Main Phone Numbers

Central Office - 203-484-1440

NBHS Main Office - 203-484-1465 NBHS Nurse's Office - 203-484-1466 NBHS Guidance Office - 203-484-1475

NBIS Main Office - 203-484-1500 NBIS Nurse's Office - 203-484-1227 NBIS Guidance Office - 203-484-1506

TVES Main Office - 203-484-1455 TVES Nurse's Office - 203-484-1460 x2

JHS Main Office - 203-484-1235 JHS Nurse's Office - 203-484-1238 x2

Emailing Staff

To email a teacher or staff member, type their first initial and last name followed by as their email address.

Example: John Smith's email address is

Google Classroom (Grades 5 to 12)

Your child’s teachers have created online class spaces for discussions, assignments, and resources to supplement learning in the classroom.

For each of your children, you can receive a weekly email summary, containing the following compiled information from their online classrooms:

  • Upcoming assignments
  • Past due assignments
  • Announcements of class activities

Contact any of your child’s teachers to sign up for the weekly summary.

Follow Us on Twitter

@NBHS_nb @NBIS_nb @TVES_nb @JHS_nb

Click the Twitter button at the top of your school web page and start following our tweets!